2021 Top Garden Trends

A new year has never looked so hopeful. Coming out of yet another lockdown, we expect trends that developed in those uncertain times to continue in 2021. From making the most of your outdoor space to new-found hobbies, such as gardening, we believe these will be some of the top garden trends for 2021.


Inside Outside

Having been stuck at home, especially in those sunny months, people have truly come to see their garden as an extension of their living room. With durable garden furniture, and outdoor rugs, mirrors, and lights developed to endure the ever-changing British climate, it’s difficult not to turn your garden into a sanctuary where you can more safely meet up with family and friends.
Tip: Use similar coloured deck boards or paving tiles as your indoor flooring to give the illusion of a larger space.

Fire pits and lights

The second lockdown in the colder months has allowed us to view our gardens in a new way. Cuddling up around warm fire pits and creating an atmospheric mood with fairy lights is all part of the al fresco winter experience and a trend to stay.

Balcony gardens & mini gardens

Remember the times we were only allowed one hour of exercise a day? While it may not have been the most fun, many people did get creative with even the smallest of outdoor areas. Vertical gardens have allowed people to explore the joys and frustrations of gardening, and bistro sets and outdoor armchairs have been a small yet comfortable seating solution for balconies and tiny gardens.

Wild gardens

Despite newfound green fingers, sitting back and letting nature do its thing can be one of the best ways to enjoy your garden. Growing native flowers and plants cannot only be less time consuming, but also encourages local wildlife and prevent a further decline of insect species. If you’re scared your outdoor space will turn into a jungle, why not allocate a patch to a wild garden and style the rest like an outdoor living room or a vegetable garden to get the best of both worlds?

Hot Tubs & Saunas

The past few months, we have seen more and more client photos of our decking with a beautiful hot tub placed on top or a sauna in the background. It may seem like more of an investment but elevating your garden to a home-spa is bound to be enjoyable throughout the seasons for years to come.

Raised Garden Beds & Planters

Being stuck at home, more and more people found that gardening was a rewarding project to keep themselves busy. Adding raised beds to your garden allows you to introduce a new soil type to your garden, improve drainage, and may help prevent a sore back. Creating your own planters, is also a great way to use up any leftover decking, cladding or fencing.

Grey Gardens

Contemporary greys will remain… contemporary. The number of requests for grey decking, cladding, and fencing continues to rise, which is not a surprise. A neutral colour like grey is a great minimalist colour and perfect for those who like to keep their designs simple and sleek. It also remains a great backdrop for those who want to experiment a bit more with accent colours. The possibilities are endless.
Looking to recreate any of these trends in your garden? Order you free sample pack today or get in touch with our
expert team
to see how we can help you bring your dream garden to life.